Fig. 1. Agdia’s new ImmunoStrip® test for Optimum® GLY GAT4621 in canola.
Agdia’s new ImmunoStrip® detects the presence of GAT4621 in transgenic canola, marketed as Optimum® GLY by Corteva Agriscience. The GAT4621 gene produces the glyphosate N-acetyltransferase enzyme, thereby conferring tolerance to glyphosate herbicides to transformed plants. This ImmunoStrip® was developed to be used with leaf and bulk grain samples and has a limit of detection of nine transgenic seeds in 1,000 non-transgenic seeds (0.9% LOD). Agdia claims this ImmunoStrip® does not cross-react with other commercially available transgenic traits present in canola, including NPTII, CP4 EPSPS and PAT/bar.
This introduction is the 24th ImmunoStrip® product in Agdia’s comprehensive catalog of transgenic trait identification assays. The GAT4621 ImmunoStrip® assay can be performed in the field or the lab and does not require special equipment or prior diagnostic experience. Test protocol is straightforward, and results can be visualized in ten minutes as a single control line or a control and test line for negative or positive results, respectively.
The GAT4621 ImmunoStrip® is available in kits containing 50 strips. Agdia provides a one-year warranty and full technical support on purchased kits. For more information on Agdia’s full catalog of trait and pathogen detection products, please visit the company website at, email, or phone 1-574-264-2615 (toll-free 800-622-4342)
Optimum® GLY is a trademark of Corteva Agriscience and its licensed affiliates.
ImmunoStrip® is a trademark of Agdia, Inc.