5th Conference of International Working Group on Legume & Vegetable Viruses


The International Working Group on Legume and Vegetable Viruses is the result of a merger of the International Working Group on Legume viruses and the International Working Group on Vegetable Viruses. The fifth conference of the working group will be held in The Netherlands, in the beautiful town of Haarlem, from 30 August until 3 September 2015.

Agdia Inc. and Agdia-Emea will sponsor this event, do not hesitate to stop by our booth to meet our plant pathology experts.


Keynote lectures

● Dr. John Fletcher (New Zealand): “Virus and virus-like incursions in New Zealand; management and eradication”
● Dr. Peter Moffett (Canada): “Molecular mechanisms of anti-viral defences in plants”
● Dr. Christina Wege (Germany): “Novel roles for well-known players: tobamovirus-derived nanotube scaffolds for smart materials and biohybrid devices”

“Diagnostic hour”

An exciting new item in the programme this year will be a discussion hour, in which delegates can contribute a short presentation (4 slides max. , abstract of 150 words). In this short presentation they can present  a specific problem regarding diagnosis and/or epidemiology etc. of a particular virus disease in vegetables or legumes. This presentation will be followed by a discussion with all the experts in the audience.

For more information: Program & Registration